Optimizing Tasks#

There are many ways to optimize your tasks and workflows in Flyte, and this guide will take you through just some the common methods for doing so.


Caching allows you to avoid re-running potentially expensive tasks. You can specify which tasks to cache with the cache and cache_version arguments:

from typing import List
from flytekit import task, workflow

@task(cache=True, cache_version="1")
def compute_mean(data: List[float]) -> float:
    return sum(data) / len(data)

def wf(data: List[float]) -> float:
    return compute_mean(data=data)

Caching works both locally and on a Flyte backend.

%timeit -n 1 -r 1 wf(data=[float(x) for x in range(100_000)])
%timeit -n 1 -r 1 wf(data=[float(x) for x in range(100_000)])

As you can see, the second call to the wf workflow takes less time because Flyte simply hits the cache to obtain the result.


For file-like data types like flytekit.types.file.FlyteFile and offloaded data types like pandas.DataFrame objects, you can provide a hash function that represents the cache key. Learn more in the User Guide.


Flyte also allows you to automatically retry failing tasks in the case of system-level or catastrophic errors that may arise from issues that don’t have anything to do with user-defined code, like network issues and data center outages.

The following version of the compute_mean task simulates these kinds of errors by randomly throwing a RuntimeError 5% of the time:

import random

def compute_mean(data: List[float]) -> float:
    if random() < 0.05:
        raise RuntimeError("Something bad happened 🔥")
    return sum(data) / len(data)


Retries only take effect when running a task on a Flyte cluster.


To protect against zombie tasks that hang due to system-level issues, you can supply the timeout argument to the @task decorator to make sure that problematic tasks adhere to a maximum runtime.

In this example, we make sure that the task is terminated after it’s been running for more that one hour.

from datetime import timedelta

def compute_mean(data: List[float]) -> float:
    return sum(data) / len(data)

Notice that the timeout argument takes a built-in Python timedelta object.

Map Tasks#

If you need to parallelize a task, you can use the map_task() construct. A mappable task is one that takes in a single argument and produces some output.

In this example, we partition our data into chunks so that we can horizontally scale our workload:

import math
from typing import Tuple

from flytekit import map_task

def sum_and_length(data: List[float]) -> List[float]:
    """Return the sum and length of a dataset of numbers."""
    return [sum(data), float(len(data))]

def prepare_partitions(data: List[float], n_partitions: int) -> List[List[float]]:
    """Create partitions from the full dataset."""
    size = math.ceil(len(data) / n_partitions)
    return [data[size * i: size * (i + 1)] for i in range(n_partitions)]

def reduce(results: List[List[float]]) -> float:
    """Combine results from the map task."""
    total, length = 0.0, 0.0
    for sub_total, sub_length in results:
        total += sub_total
        length += sub_length
    return total / length

def parallelized_compute_mean(data: List[float], n_partitions: int = 10) -> float:
    """An embarrassingly parallel implementation to compute the mean from data."""
    partitioned_data = prepare_partitions(data=data, n_partitions=n_partitions)

    # use map_task to apply the sum_and_length task to the partitions
    results = map_task(sum_and_length)(data=partitioned_data)
    return reduce(results=results)

parallelized_compute_mean(data=[float(x) for x in range(10_000)])

Resource Allocation#

As one of the core features of Flyte, workflows can be composed of tasks that potentially have heterogeneous resource requirements. You can express this with the Resources object:

from flytekit import Resources

@task(requests=Resources(cpu="2", mem="100Mi"))
def light_task() -> float:

@task(requests=Resources(cpu="16", mem="16Gi"))
def heavy_task() -> float:

Multi-image Workflows#

In addition to task-level resource configuration, you can also specify different images per task. This is particularly useful if some tasks in your workflow have a different set of dependencies (e.g. require CUDA to be installed for model training) where most of the other tasks can use another image.

In this example we specify two tasks: one that uses CPUs and another that uses GPUs. For the former task, we use the default image that ships with flytekit and for the latter task, we specify a pre-built image that the core Flyte team maintains that enables distributed training with the Kubeflow Pytorch integration.

import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn

    requests=Resources(cpu="2", mem="16Gi"),
def get_data() -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    ...  # get dataset as numpy ndarrays

    requests=Resources(cpu="4", gpu="1", mem="16Gi"),
def train_model(features: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray) -> nn.Module:
    ...  # train a model using gpus

These tasks assume that we’re going to use the pyflyte register command to register these tasks, since these static images will not contain the code that we defined above. Using pyflyte register ensures that get_data and train_model are zipped up and Flyte has access to it when they’re executed on a Flyte backend.


You can also configure the container images dynamically. See the User Guide for more details.

Declarative Infrastructure#

Finally, staying with the theme of Flyte’s ability to handle heterogeneous workloads at the most granular level, you can configure tasks to leverage third-party infrastructure via the extensible task plugin system.

As we saw with the train_model task example, we’re using a CUDA-enabled image, but in order to do distributed training, we’ll have to leverage the PyTorch plugin:

from flytekitplugins.kfpytorch import PyTorch

    requests=Resources(cpu="2", gpu="1", mem="8Gi"),
    limits=Resources(cpu="4", gpu="2", mem="16Gi"),
def train_model(features: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray) -> nn.Module:
    ...  # train a model using gpus

This plugin highlights one of the most powerful abilities that you gain with Flyte: the ability to declaratively specify infrastructure requirements at the most granular level of your workflow!

When this task is executed on a Flyte cluster, it automatically provisions all of the resources that you need. In this case, that need is distributed training, but Flyte also provides integrations for Spark, Ray, MPI, Sagemaker, Snowflake, and more.

Even though Flyte itself is a powerful compute engine and orchestrator for data engineering, machine learning, and analytics, perhaps you have existing code that leverages other platforms. Flyte recognizes the pain of migrating code, so its plugin system enables you to call out to third-party services and infrastructure when needed so that you can embed existing workloads into the Flyte programming paradigm.

What’s Next?#

In this guide, you learned the various ways in which you can optimize your tasks and workflows to make them more scalable and robust. In the final stop of the Flyte Fundamentals tour, we’ll see how to extend Flyte in the cases where the built-in functionality doesn’t quite fit your needs.